The Agrobest Multi Chelation Advantage (AMCA) SYSTEM demonstrates why AgroBest is at the technological forefront of liquid crop nutrition.

We are playing an important role in your future growth and have developed select products under the AMCA system.

Read on and you’ll discover how the AMCA SYSTEM and AgroBest are playing an important role in your future growth.

The organic acids used in the formulation of AgroBest products are very similar to those produced naturally by the plant for the uptake and translocation of nutrients.

Organic acids have many vital roles and functions throughout the plant, including growth and production of fruit. All plant functions rely, in one form or another, on plant acids, from root exudates, sap flow, cell saturates, photosynthesis to fruit fill etc.

The advantages of most organic acids is their simple structure and small molecular size or mass.

This small size allows them to move freely throughout the plant.

As the organic acids used in the AMCA SYSTEM are similar to the plant’s own organic acids, they instantly recognised by the plant.

The organic acid chelated nutrient is then instantly taken up by the plant, through the leaf as foliar or root when soil applied.

When using conventional nutrients; as the mineral comes into contact with the root system, the organic acids present from root exudates bonds with the metal ion (divesting itself of its’ “divalent” partner).

The mineral is then “pulled” across the root membrane and transported to the growing sites bonded with the plant’s own organic acids.

The AMCA SYSTEM presents the nutrient already bonded with similar organic acids and become immediately available.

Plants use energy to produce organic acids.

By supplying organic acids, combined with nutrients, the AMCA SYSTEM results in more plant energy being available for growth and crop production, which means higher yields and returns.

When the plant has a deficiency in a particular mineral, root exudates are increased in an attempt to “source” more nutrient from the soil, consuming more energy and leaving less for growth and production.

The AMCA SYSTEM utilises organic acids to prevent this happening.



The broad range of organic acids used in the AMCA SYSTEM results in a wide range of chelation strengths – from simple organic acids (sugars) to more complex organic acids.

The majority of these organic acids are small in molecular size which, in simple terms means they move readily across plant membranes (leaf or root) into the sap stream.

In other systems which use a single strength chelated mineral, (which can be medium, strong or extremely strong chelators as in the case of EDHA) the chelate is normally large in molecular size.

While some may move across plant membranes into the plant, mostly the plant acids exchange and “partner” the nutrient to provide mobility within the plant. The released chelator may even tie up other nutrients and prevent their use.

The AMCA SYSTEM delivers the nutrient directly into the plant.


By using a diverse range of chelating (bonding) strengths the AMCA SYSTEM produces a large number of nutrient “drop off” points throughout the plant. Leaves, growing tips, fruit and roots/tubers each has different levels of nutrient demand.

A common complaint with liquid fertilisers is their perceived inability to get nutrients to the part of the plant where they are most required.

The AMCA SYSTEM delivers nutrient to all parts of the plant.

When compared to other delivery systems the AMCA SYSTEM delivers a higher percentage of the target nutrient (or nutrients) to the plant.

The AMCA SYSTEM means the applied nutrient is transported directly into the plant through the leaf or root system.

This reduces the potential for tie up and losses in the soil or on the leaf.

Chelation systems using single acids with large molecular mass, can severely restrict plant availability and mobility of nutrients in certain situations.

The AMCA SYSTEM produces vastly superior plant availability of nutrients, increased plant performance and value for money.

Explore our AMCA System Products

Bio Stimulant | NPK Concentrate

Agrodex K35

A 35% liquid potassium in an organic form, free of nitrate and chlorides.

Bio Stimulant | Starters

Super Seedtreat

A seed coating applied pre-plant to assist seed germination, early growth and vigour, particularly in zinc or manganese deficient…

Trace Elements

Broadhectare Zn

A chelated Zinc with additional essential trace elements, formulated together with a range of organic and amino acids.

Trace Elements

AgroDex Fe

A naturally complex element, formulated with a range of organic and amino acids ensuring a low molecular weight chelation.

Bio Stimulant | Trace Elements

AgroDex Mg

A highly available naturally complexed element, formulated to rapidly correct and prevent deficiencies in a variety of crops and…

Trace Elements

AgroDex Mn

A naturally complexed element, formulated to rapidly correct and prevent deficiencies in a wide variety of crops and soils.

Trace Elements

AgroDex Moly

A high analysis Molybdenum solution, formulated with phosphorus and organic acids, allowing enhanced foliar and root uptake.

Trace Elements

AgroDex Zn

A naturally complex element, formulated with a range of organic and amino acids ensuring a low molecular weight chelation.

Trace Elements

Broadhectare Mn

A chelated manganese solution with additional essential trace elements, formulated together with a range of organic and amino acids.

Trace Elements

Broadhectare ZnMn

A chelated Zinc and Manganese liquid with additional essential trace elements, formulated together with a range of organic and…

Bio Stimulant


NPK 5-5-5 with 15% w/v Organics deriving from Fish, Humates, Seaweed and Sugars. Formulated for soil, utilising Fish, Seaweed…

Bio Stimulant


It is a highly effective humic acid solution extracted from leonardite and fermented with sugars. Formulated to increase the…

Bio Stimulant

Agro Chelate

A complex blend of organic and amino acids designed to chelate and sequester elemental ions in spray and irrigation…

Product Trials

Increase the quality and yield of your crops!

We are excited to work with you and understand what product trials would be best suited for your crop nutrition needs.