05 February 19

Why Zinc…

Zinc has many important roles in plant growth, and a constant and continuous supply is necessary for optimum growth and maximum yields. A shortage of Zinc is a major limiting growth factor in Broadacre crops for yield and protein development. Generally a foliar application of Zinc has the highest efficiency in aspect of seed production. Dry matter, seed viability, seedling vigour, and germination increases with Zinc application which in turn increases yield and quality.

Hidden zinc deficiency in crop plants is a well-known problem and may be responsible for reductions in yield up to 40% without appearance of distinct leaf symptoms.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has determined that zinc is the most commonly deficient micronutrient in agricultural soils, with deficiency occurring in one out of every two cases.

When to use Zinc…

A number of methods can be used to determine if and when zinc is needed.

Simply relying on physical signs or appearance of a deficiency is not enough. A plant may be deficient in the essential trace element for some time before visual signs are evident. “Plants sometimes appear to outgrow this deficiency,” Says Dr Robert Norton*, of the International Plant Nutrition Institute, “but often the damage has already been done and yields can be significantly reduced.”

Analytical testing…

Soil Tests are an essential tool to gauge an accurate reading of nutrient levels. However, soil tests alone are not a reliable method to predict the likely response of Zinc in the crop. Norton encourages the use of tissue tests by sampling the youngest expanded blade of wheat. A crop is likely to give a yield response to extra zinc, he explained, where the youngest leaf tissue concentration of zinc in wheat was less than 14mg/kg.

Managing Director, Jeff Rohrlach has seen further success for high-yielding crops “In my experience, I have had significant increases to yield above 25mg/kg of Zinc and suggest this as a minimum to achieve high-yielding broadacre crops”

Know your soil…

Characteristics of soil types that are prone to zinc deficiencies include:

¨ Have a pH of more than 7.5;

¨ Have a high sand content;

¨ Are cold, wet, and compacted;

¨ Occur in some red and acidic soils;

¨ Have had lime recently applied;

¨ Have high phosphorus levels;

¨ Are low in organic matter; and

¨ Have been recently eroded or land-leveled.

Know your crop…

Different crops absorb and utilize zinc at different rates. This is particularly relevant when considering a crop rotation cycle. Research indicated canola was more efficient than cereals at accessing zinc, while lupins, faba beans, and chickpeas have lower demands than wheat, and lentils have a higher demand. Maize and sorghum have higher zinc demands than wheat or barley. Being aware of the individual crops requirements means efficient and effective use of zinc.



Chelated Zn 10% Plus Organic Acids for optimum uptake

Broadhectare Zn is a chelated Zinc with additional vital trace elements, together with a range of organic and amino acids ensuring a highly available and readily assimilated low molecular weight chelation. Specially formulated for enhanced foliar and root zone uptake and immediate availability throughout the plant. Rapid correction and prevention of deficiencies in a wide range of broadacre crops and soils.



Zinc as EDTA 7.5%

FUZE Zinc is a fully chelated EDTA complex offering superior compatibility, with no known incompatibilities. FUZE Zinc can reduce trace elements locking up in soil under high pH conditions while it supplies essential nutrients to satisfy the plants’ requirements. FUZE Zinc delivers optimum results while reducing the number of spray applications and therefore increasing savings on labour and running costs.